The Victorian Government is banning e-waste from landfill from 1 July 2019

This is the result of a lengthy research and consultation process which recognised the hazards that arise from putting e-waste in landfill, and the opportunities that arise from recovering the valuable materials that electronic goods are manufactured with.

What is E-Waste?

E-waste is defined as electronic products that have a battery or power cord and have no further use. This can include CD players, printers, computers, televisions, mobile phones, VCR’s or monitors. As a result of the e-waste ban, none of these items can be placed in any bin, and have to be taken to an approved e-waste recycling location or picked up in a council hard rubbish collection.

Where Can I Dispose of my E-Waste?

Melbourne residents can dispose of e-waste through hard rubbish collections. To find information on your hard rubbish collection with WM Waste Management Services, do a search on WM’s Council Search to find out further information or book a collection.
WM Waste Management’s sister company KTS Recycling also accept and dispose of E-Waste. Click the link to find one of their 4 transfer stations.

How Is E-Waste Collected?

WM Waste Management Services have dedicated tray trucks and caged area on the back of their hard garbage trucks for E-Waste collection so items are not crushed with other items. Items are then taken to one of KTS Recycling’s transfer stations where items such as fridges & freezers will be degassed.

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